

This is my schedule book.
I always carry it...
Recently, I am busy!!! Because, there are a lot of things what I must do. (←Homework, Part-time job, Club activities)
I want more time(><;)
Today, I took an interview for a new part-time job. Contents of the work is to work as the staff of an event or the concert♪
I want to do the work early!!!

Now, I am planning a party of the dance club in the summer vacation☆! I'm looking forward t it . I wish summer vacation come early('-^●)
But!!! There are examinations before the summer vacation.



Tofu is healthy food!!!

・Abundant textured vegetable protein
・Calorie is low
...because Tofu is made of soybean.

Tofu is soft and plain.
There are many foods which is made by tofu and there are a lot of kinds!!!
You can know about tofu by Japan Tofu Association→click
Tofu is popular with women because it is good for beauty☆
Make tofu dishes(@y@)/