
Hector's Dolphin

I’ll talk about Hector's Dolphin. It is said Seppari Iruka in Japanese. They are rare dolphins also in the world in which it lives only around New Zealand. They live North Island, West Coast South Island, East Coast South Island and Southland South Island. Their body length is between 1.2 to 1.4meters. They are the smallest dolphin. They like the shallows and stay the same area all the year round. They have wariness. Their life span is about 20 year. The females bear young once a few years. But they don’t brear young when they reach 7 to 9 year. There are about 3000 dolphins in New Zealand. They are exterminating because of accidents and their birthrate is getting lower. This picture is to compare human and Hector's Dolphin.

3 件のコメント:

aya-pan★ さんのコメント...

Dolphin is very cute!
I want to watch them and rid thier back;)

yabuosuki さんのコメント...

I have never seen dolphins so I want to them on live.
You chose a good picture. It's so cute.

DUI さんのコメント...

I don't want to kiss you. hahaha
But your blog is nice!